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COMM 2301 (Professor Kathy Hansler): Getting Started

The guide shows you how to use Adobe Premiere or Adobe Spark to create a video for the digital media part of your COMM 2301 assignment.

About this "Quick Start" video series

This "quick start" video series consists of 10 short videos that will help you to gain a quick understanding of how Premiere Pro works. The series is designed for you to start at Video #1 and work through each video, in succession, until you reach Video #10. Under each video I provide a brief description of what you can expect to learn by watching the video. Some of you may have prior knowledge of Premiere and may want to jump ahead to other videos in the series. On a separate page titled, "Premiere Pro Keyboard Shortcuts / Mac & Windows," I have provided a graphic from this website: This graphic provides a list of quick keyboard shortcuts for Mac AND Windows users and may be of help to you as you work through your projects. One last thing, as you begin to work on your media projects always remember to save your project frequently. Doing so will prevent hours of lost time should your computer or Premiere Pro crash unexpectedly! 

Creating The Project Folder

Before you begin any media project in Premiere Pro you will need to create a project folder where all of the assets for the project will live. Each project must have it's own folder. In this short video I show you how to create the project folder. 

Intro to Premier Pro

Follow along with this video to see how to properly start a project in Premiere so that everything will be saved to your project folder.

Importing assets

Your project requires you to source video, still images, and possibly, audio assets from the web. This video will show you where to save these assets and then how to import them into your Premiere Pro project.