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Cabells Journalytics: Home

An explanation of Cabells Journalytics, a database for journal discovery and publishing.

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Walkthrough of Cabells Journalytics

Journalytics v. Predatory Reports

The Journalytics contains information about high-quality journals. However, some have of higher prestige than others. Use the Advanced Search feature to decide the level of exclusivity.

The Predatory Reports is a colJournalytics tab and Predatory Reports tablection of possibly predatory journals that you should not use and should not trust in your work. Common violations include that they have little to no peer review or editorial review, that they charge to publish, that they claim to be international with a board from a single country, or other concerns. However, our subscription does not include this list.

List Display

The list display provides typical image of the periodical’s cover, the publisher, name of periodical, country of origin, publication cycle, CCI Snapshot, and Altmetric Report.

record display with publisher in red, title of journal in blue, and three influence factors in purple.


Influence Indicators

Scite Journal Index (SJI): “Smart Citations” is a metric for understanding if the paper is disputed or supported in other research. The number apples to the journal for at least 100 cites during the period measured. 1 is supported, while the deeper you do into <1 the more disputed the citations are.

CCI Snapshot: Cabells Classification Index (CCI) is a reflection of influence. This, too, is discipline specific, so there may be more than one CCI for a periodical that crosses disciplinary lines. The larger the colored-in area, the larger the impact according to Cabells.

Altmetric Report: A number from Cabells that reflects a higher profile in social and popular media.

Record Display

Record display with submission criteria, including invited articles, acceptance rate, level of peer review, time to review, maximum length, and style.


Advanced Search

Use the “Filters” drop-down to access many more criteria for selecting journals.

Location of drop-down filter  circled in red


Scholarly Communications Librarian

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Jennifer Beamer
Contact: Website