The resources on this page provide additional information about Open Educational Resources: How To guides, workshops, and fact sheets are provided below.
An open workshop available online through Open Washington, the modules include information on licensing OER, the public domain, accessibility, and more.
OpenWashington's Attribution Builder tool allows users to generate a line of text to paste onto their resource to indicate what CClicense they have applied.
Our platform guides open textbook projects through the publishing workflow and makes it easy to find, recruit, and organize collaborators. Find a project you can help, or start one of your own.
OER Commons' Open Educational Practice Hub includes resources for educators about how to find, curate, evaluate, share, and license OER. Other topics, like OER Advocacy, are also covered.
"A handbook for faculty interested in practicing open pedagogy by involving students in the making of open textbooks, ancillary materials, or other Open Educational Resources."