Many aspects of public life are controlled by regulations rather than by laws.
Regulations are made by government agencies, rather than legislative bodies. The government may give agencies or departments the authority to make regulations in order to carry out the intent of a particular law.
By subject: Do a keyword search in the box at the top of the page, using words describing your subject.
If you know the code citation: Type the citation into the search box at the top of the screen. For example:
15 USCS sec 1271
15 USCA 1271
Westlaw is forgiving about the form of the citation; anything relatively close will usually produce the desired result.
If you know the popular name: Do a keyword search for the popular name of the law or act. Alternatively, use the LII Popular Name Index or Google the popular name, in hopes of finding a source that will give the code, PL, or Stat. citation.
If you know only the Public Laws (PL) citation:
We no longer keep print copies of the United States Code Annotated (USCA). The San Bernardino County Law Library in downtown San Bernardino may still have hard copies.