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Note-Taking Apps

Google Keep Logo. White lightbulb with yellow background.OneNote, EverNote, Google Keep, and many others – Which of the many note apps you like depends on your preferences for interface. The major ones have many of the same features. Google Keep is noteable in that it is totally free and in the Google ecosystem, which provides 15G for free. Common features in note apps are grouping folders, color coding, reminders, importing media, and connection to calendars.

Citations and Full-Text

Zotero logo icon. Red Z on gray shield.Zotero is a citation management system. It keeps your full-text connected to the citation, so you can find it easily. Notes are also grouped with the citation. You can assign tags and search by tags. You can leave yourself notes, such as “Need to ILL,” then search on that note. You can leave notes in folders to remind yourself where to pick up on the work tomorrow. Finally, you can read and mark up PDF files.

Voice Assistant

Because it uses artificial intelligence and natural language, you can speak to set reminders or alarms, ask questions, and so much more.  Alexa can be used on your phone without owning an Alexa device. Apple’s Siri, Google Assistant, and Microsoft's Cortana are other examples.

Cloud Storage

Cloud saving papers and projects makes sure they are always available when you need to work on them. Microsoft OneDrive allow 5G for free, while Google Drive has a total of 15G free for all Google apps.

OneSearch Features

Save your favorite articles or books and organize them using multiple labels.

Calendar/Time Management

To organize your life, noting everything from class time, work schedule, and study time allows you to plan for fun time.  Or you can try something like Timetable, myHomework, or Studious which are geared for students. Or you can try AppDetox, SelfControl, or StayFocused to turn off apps during your study time.

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Lisa Bartle