On the library's website (www.csusb.edu/library), click on the Choose a Database button.
The next screen has a list of the broad subject categories. There are many databases in each category. Match your topic to the corresponding broad subject category. In this example, we have chosen Public Administration.
On the list of databases for Public Administration, we clicked on ABI/INFORM but could have chosen one of the other databases.
The search shown below should work in most of our databases. It is important that you enter the search exactly like this (no need to capitalize, but you can if you want to):
"california state university san bernardino"
The quotation marks force the search to look for the exact phrase instead of the individual words. Be certain to limit your search results to scholarly or peer reviewed articles.
Your search results should show a list of articles that have at least one CSUSB professor as an author. You can now proceed as you normally would to find the full text of an article in our databases.