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PSCI 5350: Seminar in Constitutional Law (Prof. Thora Giallouri): Law Reviews

Sample Queries

A Broad Search:

"supreme court" AND ("rational choice theory" OR "attitudinal model" OR "strategic model")

A Narrower Search:

"supreme court" AND ("rational choice theory" OR "attitudinal model" OR "strategic model") AND "reproductive rights"

A Still Narrower Search:

"supreme court" AND "rational choice theory" AND "reproductive rights"

Other examples:

"supreme court" AND legitimacy

"supreme court" AND clerk* ("gate-keep*" OR gatekeep* OR control* OR access*)

"supreme court" AND (privilege OR access*) AND (litigant* OR cases)

"supreme court" AND (nominat* or confirm*) AND process

Law Reviews

Law Reviews via WestlawNext 

A law review is a periodical published by a law school or bar association with articles that critique and analyze the law.  After entering the query, use the limits on the left to narrow the results.