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Google Scholar and the CSUSB Libraries: GetFTR Browser Extension

Find library resources through Google Scholar.

GetFTR Browser Extension

The Get Full Text Research (GetFTR) Browser Extension is a button that appears whenever your browser is displaying an article citation that includes a DOI. GetFTR can help you get more seamless access to the content you have available through CSUSB.

GetFTR works on multiple websites, such as Wikipedia and PubMed, but it's especially helpful for Google Scholar.

PRO TIP! You may want to enable both GetFTR and the Google Library Links, because GetFTR won't direct you to Interlibrary Loan request options if an article isn't part of the CSUSB Libraries' holdings. 

Download and Set Up

To get started, choose GetFTR in your appropriate browser web store. These instructions will describe the options in Chrome.

  1. Clcik the "Add to Chrome" button.
  2. When prompted, choose the "Add Extension" button.
  3. You will be asked to search for your institution. In the search box, type: CSUSB, then choose the matching entry. California State University San Bernardino will now appear as your "saved insitution."
  4. Click the "Continue" button to move to the next step.
  5. Click Chrome's Puzzle Piece icon for access to your browser extensions.
  6. To enable permissions for GetFTR, click on it:
    Clicking on the extension's name gives it the permissions it needs to work.
  7. Click the puzzle piece icon again. This time, click the push-pin icon next to GetFTR on the list of extensions. This pins GetFTR to your browser's toolbar so it's easy to find.
    The GetFTR icon is a dark green circle with an arc at lower left.

So long as GetFTR is enabled, it will automatically display a "View PDF" button or a smaller FTR button whenever it finds an article reference it can recognize. 

If you prefer to turn it off except when you are actively using it:

  1. Click Chrome's puzzle piece icon.
  2. Click the 3-dot icon next to GetFTR.
  3. Click "This can read and change site data..."
  4. Mark the circle for "When you click the extension."
    Chrome's extensions menu options unfolded and highlighted.

If you select this setting, GetFTR will be inactive until you click on its icon in the toolbar. 

Get it here!

How it looks in action

When enabled, GetFTR displays as a dark green button that says "View PDF."

The green button displays below an article in a Google Scholar search result.

If you move your cursor over the button, it will display a message more details, such as "full text available through California State University, San Bernardino" or "full text is freely available."