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Google Scholar and the CSUSB Libraries: Google Scholar Library Links

Find library resources through Google Scholar.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar can be a great resource for finding scholarly journal articles. The problem is that it sometimes directs you to material you must pay to view.

If you're using Google Scholar from an on-campus computer, you'll automatically get access to any e-journal Pfau Library subscribes to. But if you're using Google Scholar at home, you may get asked to pay for material the library could give you for free, just because Google Scholar can't recognize you as a CSUSB student or employee.

Solution: Use Google Scholar with the CSUSB Libraries to make the most of your search!

  1. Once at Google Scholar, click the three bars in the upper left corner.
    Google Scholar main page with three-bar icon highlighted
  2. Click the Gear icon to reach the settings. The Gear icon may be at the bottom of the menu, or at the top.
    Gear icon at bottom of menuGear icon at top of menu
  3. In the Settings, go to Library Links. Do a search for: CSUSB. Several options may appear. Mark the one that says "Find It at CSUSB."
    Library Links tab highlighted, with search for csusb.
  4. Click the Save button.
  5. Now, when you do a Google Scholar search on that terminal, you'll see a link next to each result that says "Find it at CSUSB." The link may be to the right of a result, like this:
    Search result displaying "Find it at CSUSB" to the right.
    (NOTE: If you don't see a "Find It" link at all, it's because the citation provided cannot be automatically parsed by our system.)
  6. "Find It at CSUSB" is the same as the library's "Search for Full Text" button. If the Library has access to that journal, it will give you a link to the full text, or suggest other options, like requesting the article through Interlibrary Loan.
    OneSearch record for the item showing the different databases where CSUSB users have access to the full text.

Try it here!

Google Scholar Search