1. Start a new Word document.
2. Click the Insert tab > Header option > Blank
3. Click the Design tab > "Different First Page" check box.
4. Type: Running head: TITLE OF PAPER HERE ALL IN CAPS [if it's very long you may leave out the sub-title.]
5. Tab cursor to the right margin. If you see the ruler, stop it at 6.5.
6. Page Number option > Current Position option > Plain Number
7. Close Header & Footer Tools tab.
8. Strike the [Enter] key 9 times (more or less).
9. Type in your title [Enter], your name [Enter], your school [Enter]
10. Hold the Ctrl key and strike Enter key, creating a new page, page 2.
11. Double click high in the top margin of page 2, opening the Header & Footer Tools tab again.
12. Type the title all in caps.
13. Tab cursor to the right margin, as you did previously. If you see the ruler, stop it at 6.5.
14. Page Number option > Current Position option > Plain Number
15. Close Header & Footer Tools tab.
16. Type the rest of your paper, including the references. The header will apear with the correct page numbers automatically.