It's possible to find tests in databases: sometimes a test is appended to a full text article. Try these searches that look for certain words--such as measurement, test, instrument, appended, etc.--in the abstract.
It's cumbersome, and sometimes you'll get false results, but it's worth a try. Follow these directions carefully.
The search described here searches all our databases that are on the EBSCO platform.
The search described here searches all our databases that are on the ProQuest platform.
Some databases, like CINAHL, ERIC, and PsycINFO, have a field code for tests and measures. Pre-determined field codes allow for more precise searches. Follow these directions carefully.
Current Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature. Predominantly scholarly and professional publications.
Scholarly and professional resources in education for all age groups and all subjects.
Try our quick video tutorial for ERIC.
Major research index for psychology and related fields. Coverage includes journals, book chapters, and dissertations.