4st FL BF176 .T419
Includes a critique of each instrument. Focuses primarily on psychology, education, and business tests.
Measures for Clinical Practice: A Sourcebook
Handbook of tests and measurement in education and the social sciences
Communication Research Measures Vol 1
Communication Research Measures Vol 2
Gender Roles: A Handbook of Tests and Measures
Measures for Clinical Practice and Research
Open the ERIC database.
Click on "Advanced Search" below the search box.
In the first box, type your topic, such as self esteem.
Scroll down the page to the section "Publication Type." Select "Tests/Questionnaires."
Open PsycINFO.
Click on "Advanced Search" below the search box.
In the first box, type in your topic, such as self-esteem. Leave the drop-down box as is.
In the next box, type the word appended. Change the drop-down box to TM Tests & Measures.
Press the Search button.
Open Dissertations & Theses: Humanities & Social Sciences.
Click on "Advanced Search" above the search box.
In the first box, type your topic such as self esteem. Leave the drop-down box as is.
In the next box, type the words measure* or instrument. Change the drop-down box to "Abstract -- AB."
In the next box, type the word appended. Change the drop-down box to "Abstract -- AB."
Click the Search button.