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Educational Leadership: Finding and Evaluating an Instrument

For Ed.D folks to know the best places for research

Evaluating an Instrument

Mental Measurements Yearbook

  • From the Buros Institute. Contains information on and critical reviews of educational, personality, aptitude, achievement, and intelligence tests, plus listings of tests and measures currently in print. NOTE: Limited to 4 simultaneous users.

4st FL BF176 .T419 
Includes a critique of each instrument. Focuses primarily on psychology, education, and business tests.

Tests in Print VII

1st FL REF BF431 Z542 2006 
The most comprehensive index to commercially available tests published in English, this volume contains information on more than four thousand testing instruments. Detailed descriptions of each test include specific data on its purpose, target population, scoring, and pricing.
Tests by Taddy Maddox
1st FL REF BF176 .T43 2008
Brief description of instruments with purchasing information. All purchase, none free or cited.

Books with Instruments

Books Pointing to Instruments

Finding Instruments

Measures for Clinical Practice: A Sourcebook

This set contains instruments selected because they measure common problems and they are relatively short and easy to score and administer. Volume one covers tests for couples, families and children, while volume two covers measures for adults with problems outside of the family. Texts of tests are available. There is an alphabetical table of contents by title for each category of measurement, as well as a cross-reference listing by problem measured.


Handbook of tests and measurement in education and the social sciences

Written chiefly for teachers and guidance counselors, this handbook includes descriptions and samples of 120 tests and instruments arranged by 36 topics. The book includes both published and unpublished tools.


Communication Research Measures Vol 1

This sourcebook profiles tools that researchers can use for self-administered measurement of people's attitudes, conceptions of themselves, and perceptions of others.


Communication Research Measures Vol 2

Volume 2 provides up-to-date measures and recent scales and indexes used to assess communication variables.


Gender Roles: A Handbook of Tests and Measures

3rd FL HM253 .B43 1990 
This book profiles 211 measures produced from 1977 to 1988, emphasizing gender roles and related attitudes. If you find the citation information for the test you want in this book, use the Citation Finder to see if we have the journal the test is in.


Measures for Clinical Practice and Research

1st FL REF BF176 .C66 2007 v.1-2
A collection of assessments. Note there are earlier editions the library also owns.


Open the ERIC database.

Click on "Advanced Search" below the search box.

screenshot of ERIC search screen with "Advanced Search" circled in red.


In the first box, type your topic, such as self esteem.

screenshot of self-esteem search in advanced search box


Scroll down the page to the section "Publication Type."  Select "Tests/Questionnaires."

screenshot of "publication type" scrollbox, with a red arrow pointing to "Tests/Questionnaires."




Open PsycINFO

Click on "Advanced Search" below the search box.




In the first box, type in your topic, such as self-esteem. Leave the drop-down box as is.

In the next box, type the word appended. Change the drop-down box to TM Tests & Measures.

self-esteem search and appended keyword with tests & Measures dropdown.

Press the Search button.

Dissertations and Theses

Open Dissertations & Theses: Humanities & Social Sciences.

Click on "Advanced Search" above the search box.

advanced search circled in red above the search box


In the first box, type your topic such as self esteem. Leave the drop-down box as is.
In the next box, type the words measure* or instrument. Change the drop-down box to "Abstract -- AB."
In the next box, type the word appended. Change the drop-down box to "Abstract -- AB."
Click the Search button.

the search for self-esteem, measure or instrument and appended with abstract dropdowns.