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Educational Leadership: Citation Chasing

For Ed.D folks to know the best places for research

Chapters in Books

OneSearch - If the Pfau Library has it, it will be in the CSUSB area of OneSearch. If we don't have it, you can move to the "All CSU" area and use CSU+ to obtain the item. Make sure to search by the book's title NOT by the chapter's or essay's title.


OneSearch - If the Pfau Library has it, it will be in the CSUSB area of OneSearch. If not, use the all-CSU portion of OneSearch and request it using CSU+. For items not held by any of the CSU campuses, you will need to order it through interlibrary loan (ILL).

You could also search the Library of Congress, Worldcat, OhioLink, or Amazon if you are looking for more titles suitable to your topic.

ERIC Documents

The library has ERIC documents on microfiche, which you will need to ask for at the Circulation Desk. However, some ERIC documents (EDs) are available in full text.

Citation Chasing from Paper Bibliographies

When you have a complete article citation but don't know which database it might be in, if any, look in OneSearch Everything. 

  • If the item is an article, it might be indexed an one of our many databases, it should appear there.You may need to request the it though inter-library loan.
  • If the item is an essay in an edited book, it might appear, allowing you to know which book you want. You may need to request it through inter-library loan.
  • If the item is a book we own, it will appear. It will also appear if another CSU owns it. You may need to request it through inter-library loan.


Citation Chasing in Electronic Bibliographies

PsycInfo is one of the few databases that allows you to search a bibliography, using blue "Cited References" link in the list view.

Use the blue, search-for-full-text button to search for these items in our other full-text databases.

Social Sciences Citation Index

Social Sciences Citation Index will display articles that have cited an article, display the bibliography, and allows searching by the blue, Search for Full Text button, and sort results by number of times the item is cited.

To the right, the "Times Cited" is circled in red. Click the number and see the articles that have used this article.  The red arrow highlights the blue, Search for Full Text button to find the article in one of our full-text databases.

Location of times cited link circled in red and blue, Search for Full Text button pointed at with red arrow

If you click on the title, you will see an abstract. You will also be given the chance to view the bibliography of the article by clicking on the "Cited References" link. You may then start to search for the bibliography's items using the blue, Search for Full Text button.

Closer look at citation record with "cited references" circled in red to highlight it.