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RN to BSN: Nursing Resources

A guide for new RN to BSN students with comprehensive survival information.

What are Scholarly Journals

Books and E-Books

OneSearch Catalog

The place to find what paper books, e-books, videos, audiobooks, and government documents are available in the Pfau Library. Be sure to select "Books & Media (CSUSB)" from the drop-down menu. Medicine is found throughout the R section on the 5th floor, with nursing materials in the RTs. Curious about other areas of the Rs?

Gale Virtual Reference Library

A database with 124 subject encyclopedias, which are searchable and in fulltext, including reference titles relevant to nursing such as The Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health, The Gale Encyclopedia of Surgery, Encyclopedia of Aging, Encyclopedia of Public Health, Macmillan Encyclopedia of Death and Dying, and The Encyclopedia of Bioethics.

Oxford Reference Online Premium

A database with 308 Subject encyclopedias, which are searchable and in fulltext, including reference titles relevant to nursing such as A Dictionary of Nursing (5 ed.), Concise Medical Dictionary (8th ed.), A Dictionary of Public Health, The Oxford Companion to the Body, and The Oxford Companion to Medicine (3 ed.).

Useful Databases

Article Databases

Cinahl Plus with Full Text

Cinahl Plus is a database devoted to the nursing literature. CINAHL database covers nearly 1,000 English-language nursing and allied health journals. It also includes references to book chapters, pamphlets, audiovisual materials, software, dissertations, standards of professional practice and nurse practice acts. Covers from 1982 to the present. Includes evidence-based care sheets.

CINAHL Plus with Full Text
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MEDLINE is the largest component of PubMed, the freely accessible online database of biomedical journal citations and abstracts created by the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM®). Some items are full text in the database, others link to full-text in the library's databases, while others are citation only and must be ordered through Interlibrary Loan. Use Medline's PICO interface.


Google Custom Search of Practice Guideline Sources


An offshoot of TED (Technology Entertainment and Design), TedMed is devoted to health and medicine. At their annual conference, speakers give brief, often humorous and lively, presentations on topics they are passionate about. You may go to their page of TEDMed videos to see a list of videos by currency, A-Z, or popularity.

Subject Guide

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Bonnie Petry
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CSU, San Bernardino
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San Bernardino, CA 92407