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Using the ST ViewScan Digital Microform Scanner: Loading the Reader

Describes the basics of using the ST ViewScan digital microform scanner located on the 4th floor, behind the elevators. Thanks to Chris Clarke, Claremont Colleges Library, for the template to this guide.

Loading Microfilm

a microfilm

In order to view your material, you are going to first load the microfilm into the viewer.


1. Pull the carrier tray forward until the glass plate lifts ups.

Microfilm with tray pulled forward


2. Load the roll of film onto the silver spindle on the left side of the machine.  Make sure the film loops over the top of the roll of film (as shown below).  Next pull out the end of the film so that it goes under the small, white roller.

a spool being loaded into the microfilm


3. Continue loading the film by pulling it across the glass viewing area (make sure the film is between the lifted glass plate and the bottom viewing glass) and under the second small, white roller.  Attach the end of the film to the take up reel by placing it in the slit in the reel.

whole view of loading spool into microfilm


4. Next, gently push the carrier tray back into original position.  The glass should close while you push the tray back.  Make sure the film is underneath the camera (you can adjust the position by sliding the tray back and forth).

spool being properly positioned on microfilm


5. Finally, turn the lamp for the reader on.  For microfilm the switch should be in the up position as shown below.

on and off switch for microfilm




Loading Microfiche

1. Pull the carrier tray forward until the glass plate lifts ups.

microfilm tray being pulled forward


2. Place the microfiche you wish to view on the bottom viewing glass underneath the lifted up glass plate.

microfiche being placed on microfilm


3. Next, gently push the carrier tray back into its original position.  The glass should close while you push the tray back.  Make sure the microfiche is underneath the camera (you can adjust the position by sliding the tray back and forth and side to side).

a demonstration on viewing the microfiche



4. Finally, turn the lamp for the reader on.  For microfiche the switch should be in the up position as shown below.

on and off switch for the microfilm machine