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Nursing Resources: Home

An overview of nursing resources available via the Pfau Library.

Reliable Resources

Not-recommended resources: Besides the required and recommended text(s) and other online resources noted in syllabi, the Department of Nursing does not recommend the use of other unvetted learning, studying, and testing resources found online.  Unvetted and/or non-recommended resources, which may have incorrect/incomplete information that could negatively impact a student’s knowledge, may violate copyright or intellectual property rules, and/or may subject the student to disciplinary action for violation of academic integrity policies up to and including suspension/expulsion from the program.

Article databases

Article databases are where users find citations to articles, full-text articles, and links to full-text articles. Some databases have both scholarly articles and articles from trade publications. If so, you will want to look for a way to limit the search to only scholarly articles if that is your assignment. See the LibGuide "Introduction to Research" for more information.

Books and E-Books

Use the catalog to find books on a topic available in that library. Sometimes books are available in paper and sometimes they are available electronically, as e-books. Both are reliable sources that will be acceptable to professors as book citations.  E-books usually have limitations for saving and downloading.


Citations and Citation Management

Nursing uses the American Psychological Association (APA) style for citing resources. See the APA LibGuide for more information on citing correctly using the APA style.

Use the free Zotero software to make citing easier. You'll still need to proofread the citations, but it's much easier. See the Zotero LibGuide for more information.

Article and Book Databases

Article Databases

Cinahl Plus with Full Text

Cinahl is a database devoted the the literature of the nursing and allied professions. It contains both scholarly and trade articles. Limit to scholarly resources to remove the trade articles from view.


MEDLINE is the largest component of PubMed, the freely accessible online database of biomedical journal citations and abstracts created by the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM®). Medline has an alternative PICO interface. See the PICO LibGuide for more information.

Science Citation Index

Science Citation Index tracks citation patterns in 8,500 natural sciences journals, covering the most recent 5 years. It is also useful for keyword searching across a broad selection of science-oriented journal literature.

Book Databases


The place to find what paper books, e-books, videos, audiobooks, and government documents available in the Pfau Library and across the CSU. Make sure to select "Books & Media (CSUSB)" for just our materials. 


CSUSB's digital repository preserving the research, scholarship, and publications of CSUSB. Since spring 2014, it includes master's and doctoral theses, but is not retrospective.

Dissertations and Theses

A database of dissertations and theses, may of which are available in full-text. CSUSB theses are not available in this database, as those theses are available in OneSearch and in ScholarWorks.

Media Databases

Kanopy Streaming Video

A large collection of documentaries of interest to those in nursing.

Librarian Liaison to Nursing Department

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Bonnie Petry
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CSU, San Bernardino
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