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Ancient History Research: Books @Pfau

This guide is designed to assist students in their research of ancient history. It covers finding resources available from the Pfau Library, including, encyclopedias, articles, books, primary resources, images, and videos.

Using OneSearch

The quickest way to find ebooks is to use OneSearch, which is the biggest, broadest search Pfau Library offers. 

Make sure you choose the scope "Books & Media (CSUSB)."

OneSearch text box with search options expanded

Once you have some results on your screen, look under "Refine my results." 

Choose the options "Available Online" and "Books."

Available filters shown, with "Available Online" and "Books" highlighted

Apply the filters, and all of your results will be ebooks.

OneSearch: Books & Media CSUSB

Find books, videos, and other items from CSUSB in OneSearch:


1. When you are done typing in your search, do not hit enter or return on your keyboard.  Instead, click on Books & Media (all CSU).  Books at other CSU libraries can be ordered through our CSU+ service.  

Please note that while you will see both print and ebooks at this library, you will see only print books at the other CSU libraries.  This is due to restrictions in the contracts libraries must sign with the ebook publishers.

A keyword search for wildlife california.


CSU+ Resource Sharing

     ONESEARCH INCLUDES CSU+ ("CSU Plus"), a new book and media sharing system for the entire CSU. Through CSU+, students, faculty, and staff have direct access to over 29 million books and media held by the CSU Libraries; they will be able to request a book or media from any other campus to be delivered to their home campus within 2-3 business days. CSU+ service was implemented July 10, 2017

You will be notified via email when your item is ready to pick up at our Check-Out Desk. You will check it out with your Coyote OneCard (CSUSB ID card) the same way you check out Pfau LIbrary books.

CSU+ applies only to physical items such as printed books or DVDs. Computer equipment such as laptops or cameras is not available via CSU+, nor are online formats such as ejournals or streaming media.

Loan Periods: Most books are 60 days, media are 30 days, no renewals.

Q: How long does it take?

A: Usually 2-3 working days, although this can vary if the book has to come from northern California. Rest assured that all items are sent as quickly as possible.

Q: Can I order my textbooks through this service?

A: Sorry, no.

Book Reviews

OneSearch Tips

Think of keywords, or important words describing each aspect of your topic, such as:

"custodial grandparents" african american*

refugee settlement

OneSearch includes both printed books and ebooks. Note the floor location, call number, and status in order to retrieve a printed book.

Circulating social work materials usually fall in the HV section of 4th floor shelving area. However, social work is very interdisciplinary, and materials can be found throughout the H section, and many other areas for related disciplines.

More Library Catalogs

Every library has a catalog, so you can go directly to the catalog of any library that interests you in order to search their holdings.

The tools below will search multiple library catalogs at once: