Special Collections & University Archives houses and protects unique collections of materials ranging from comic books, to CSUSB history, to local communities' history, to the Water Resources Archives, and also the Salton Sea Archives at PDC.
How to Find Only Special Collections & University Archives Items
1. Run a keyword search (Special Collections example: Superman; University Archives example: The People's University: a History of the California State University; Water Resources Archives example: watershed) limited to Books & Media (CSUSB).
2. On the left side of the next screen, under Refine my results, then under Location, click the box or boxes (there may be more than one) labeled either Special Collections, University Archives, Water Resources Archives, or Salton Sea Archives as needed.
3. Click the Apply Filters button.
The theses and dissertations found with these searches are all done by CSUSB students.
How To Find a Specific Masters Thesis or Dissertation
1. Run a search for the author, title, or keywords of the thesis limited to Books & Media (CSUSB).
2. On the left side of the next screen, under Refine my results, then under Resource Type, click the box for CSUSB Theses and Dissertations.
3. Click the Apply Filters button.
How To See a List of Theses and Dissertations in a Specific Discipline
1. Run a search for the discipline (example: social work) limited to Books & Media (CSUSB).
2. On the left side of the next screen, under Refine my results, then under Resource Type, click the box for CSUSB Theses and Dissertations.
3. Click the Apply Filters button.
Another Way to Find CSUSB Theses
From 2014 to the present, unless an author did not give permission to digitize, all CSUSB theses are included in CSUSB ScholarWorks, our online depository.
How To Find a Specific Music Score
1. Run a search for a song or composition's title (example: Moonlight Sonata), or a composer's name (example: Gershwin), limited to Books & Media (CSUSB).
2. On the left side of the next screen, under Refine my results, then under Resource Type, click the box for Scores.
3. Click the Apply Filters button.
How To See a List of All Music Scores
1. Run this search: score and limit it to Books & Media (CSUSB).
2. On the left side of the next screen, under Refine my results, then under Resource Type, click the box for Scores. This step eliminates everything except the scores.
3. Click the Apply Filters button.
How To Find Music Scores at Other CSU Libraries
Simply limit your search to Books & Media (all CSU). Be sure to sign in to My Library Account so you can request media from other CSU libraries via our CSU+ service.