SOC 5490: Crime, Desistance, and Reentry (Prof. Annika Anderson): More Crime Statistics
This guide will help you complete your assignments for SOC 5490. Thank you to Lorena O'English (Washington State University) for sharing this guide template and much of the content.
This site contains a series of charts that describe homicide patterns and trends in the United States since 1976. Homicide is of interest not only because of its severity but also because it is a fairly reliable barometer of all violent crime. At a national level, no other crime is measured as accurately and precisely.
(CSUSB users only.) This international marketing database includes extensive demographic and economic data, including lifestyles and attitudes. Check under the section "Countries & Consumers."
Annual compilation of key facts about the U.S. All prior editions, starting in 1878, are available as PDFs at this site. Sadly, due to budget cuts, the 2012 edition was the last freely available one.
Incorporates data from the American Community Survey, which tracks more detailed social information than the general Census, and from the Economic Census and Economic Surveys. Replaces the old American Factfinder.