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SOC 5490: Crime, Desistance, and Reentry (Prof. Annika Anderson): Citing & Writing

This guide will help you complete your assignments for SOC 5490. Thank you to Lorena O'English (Washington State University) for sharing this guide template and much of the content.

Citing Your Sources

What does it mean to "cite" your sources?

When you do research for a paper or a project, you get some of your information from outside sources--books, magazines, journals, reports, and websites--that were written or produced by others.

When you sit down to write your paper or create your project, you have an ethical and legal obligation not to use others' words or ideas without giving them credit.

Citing is the way you give others credit for their work, and different disciplines have different "styles" of citing their sources.

This guide gives links to instructions for how to follow ASA citation style.

APA Style

The American Psychological Association's citation style is used by disciplines within the social sciences.

ASA Style

The American Sociological Associations citation style is used for ASA publications.

Writing Guides