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Linking to Library Resources: Audio & Video

Instructors, do you want to use library materials in your courses? Here's how!


For more info, see our Library Guide, Streaming Video: Tips for Instructors

Link to a Video from OneSearch

From the results list, click the title to display the full record for the video you want.

  • From the icons at the top of the record, click the Permalink icon.Screenshot with Permalink icon and URL highlighted
  • Copy the URL provided and paste it into your Web page.
  • You do not need to add anything!

Link to an Alexander St. Press Video (AVON: Academic Video Online)

1. Display the main page for the video you want.

2. Click the Share icon.

Screen capture showing the Share icon.

3. Choose Copy Permalink from the bottom of the screen.

Share options featuring the "Via permalink" box

4. Paste the URL into your web page. 


A correctly formed URL will look something like this: 


If the URL you copied already had the proxy information included, that works too, and you don't need to add anything. Example:

Example: ​ Cyrano de Bergerac

Linking to streaming audio: Classical Music Libray

Classical Music Library

  1. Display the main page for the piece you want.
  2. Click the "Embed/Link" icon.
    Classical Music Library screen with "embed/link" icon highlighted.
  3. Copy the Permanent Link and paste it URL into your Web page. It should already contain the library's proxy prefix. 

A correctly formed URL will look something like this:

ExampleMozart Symphony No. 40, Movement 1 (molto allegro)

For more helpful tips, see our Library Guide on Classical Music Library.


Digital Theatre Plus (DT+) uses a different authentication system than our other databases (Shibboleth/SAML vs. EZproxy).  Therefore, linking to specific content requires a slightly different approach.

Here's the basic, standard URL template which you will need to customize: 


Simply replace the portion noted above (ITEM_URL_GOES_HERE) with the direct link to a specific DT+ video, audio, or document.


If you want to link directly to the video of the short play "Rage"...

1. Display the desired item in your web browser.

2. Copy the URL displayed in your browser's location or address box:

3. Paste that URL into the middle portion of the template given above, like so:



4. The entire thing is the customized link to copy and paste into your website.

Try out the finished link to "Rage."

Tip: Most DT+ videos are broken out into smaller sections for more convenient linking, for example to acts, major speeches, and so on. Scroll down on the main production page to find these.


1. Display the main page for the video you want.

2. Click the </> Embed link.

3. Look for Permanent Link and copy the URL given.
Permanent Link option with URL highlighted.

4. Paste the URL into your Web page. This URL will include the library's proxy information, so you don't need to add anything.


A correctly formed URL will look something like this:

Example: Abandoned: The Betrayal of America's Immigrants

Link to a Kanopy Video

1. Display the main page for the video you want.

2. Find and click on the Share link below the video player.

3. Click the Copy Link button next to Link or Embed as desired.

4. In both cases, add the library's proxy prefix to the front of the URL:


A correctly formed URL will look something like this:

Example: Latinos Beyond Reel


Be aware that embedded players look cool, but may pose accessibility issues; for this reason we recommend linking directly to the video rather than embedding it.